',start+4);\n\t\t\t//append comment source.substring(4,end)//|$)/;\n block$1.html = edit(block$1.html, 'i').replace('comment', block$1._comment).replace('tag', block$1._tag).replace('attribute', / +[a-zA-Z:_][\\w.:-]*(?: *= *\"[^\"\\n]*\"| *= *'[^'\\n]*'| *= *[^\\s\"'=<>`]+)?/).getRegex();\n block$1.paragraph = edit(block$1._paragraph).replace('hr', block$1.hr).replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ').replace('|lheading', '') // setex headings don't interrupt commonmark paragraphs\n .replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\\\n]*\\\\n)|~{3,})[^\\\\n]*\\\\n').replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt\n .replace('html', '?(?:tag)(?: +|\\\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)').replace('tag', block$1._tag) // pars can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks\n .getRegex();\n block$1.blockquote = edit(block$1.blockquote).replace('paragraph', block$1.paragraph).getRegex();\n /**\n * Normal Block Grammar\n */\n\n block$1.normal = merge$1({}, block$1);\n /**\n * GFM Block Grammar\n */\n\n block$1.gfm = merge$1({}, block$1.normal, {\n nptable: '^ *([^|\\\\n ].*\\\\|.*)\\\\n' // Header\n + ' {0,3}([-:]+ *\\\\|[-| :]*)' // Align\n + '(?:\\\\n((?:(?!\\\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\\\n|$))*)\\\\n*|$)',\n // Cells\n table: '^ *\\\\|(.+)\\\\n' // Header\n + ' {0,3}\\\\|?( *[-:]+[-| :]*)' // Align\n + '(?:\\\\n *((?:(?!\\\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\\\n|$))*)\\\\n*|$)' // Cells\n\n });\n block$1.gfm.nptable = edit(block$1.gfm.nptable).replace('hr', block$1.hr).replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ').replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('code', ' {4}[^\\\\n]').replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\\\n]*\\\\n)|~{3,})[^\\\\n]*\\\\n').replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt\n .replace('html', '?(?:tag)(?: +|\\\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)').replace('tag', block$1._tag) // tables can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks\n .getRegex();\n block$1.gfm.table = edit(block$1.gfm.table).replace('hr', block$1.hr).replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ').replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('code', ' {4}[^\\\\n]').replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\\\n]*\\\\n)|~{3,})[^\\\\n]*\\\\n').replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt\n .replace('html', '?(?:tag)(?: +|\\\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)').replace('tag', block$1._tag) // tables can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks\n .getRegex();\n /**\n * Pedantic grammar (original John Gruber's loose markdown specification)\n */\n\n block$1.pedantic = merge$1({}, block$1.normal, {\n html: edit('^ *(?:comment *(?:\\\\n|\\\\s*$)' + '|<(tag)[\\\\s\\\\S]+?\\\\1> *(?:\\\\n{2,}|\\\\s*$)' // closed tag\n + '|\\\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\\\n{2,}|\\\\s*$))').replace('comment', block$1._comment).replace(/tag/g, '(?!(?:' + 'a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub' + '|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)' + '\\\\b)\\\\w+(?!:|[^\\\\w\\\\s@]*@)\\\\b').getRegex(),\n def: /^ *\\[([^\\]]+)\\]: *([^\\s>]+)>?(?: +([\"(][^\\n]+[\")]))? *(?:\\n+|$)/,\n heading: /^(#{1,6})(.*)(?:\\n+|$)/,\n fences: noopTest,\n // fences not supported\n paragraph: edit(block$1.normal._paragraph).replace('hr', block$1.hr).replace('heading', ' *#{1,6} *[^\\n]').replace('lheading', block$1.lheading).replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('|fences', '').replace('|list', '').replace('|html', '').getRegex()\n });\n /**\n * Inline-Level Grammar\n */\n\n var inline$1 = {\n escape: /^\\\\([!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@\\[\\]\\\\^_`{|}~])/,\n autolink: /^<(scheme:[^\\s\\x00-\\x1f<>]*|email)>/,\n url: noopTest,\n tag: '^comment' + '|^[a-zA-Z][\\\\w:-]*\\\\s*>' // self-closing tag\n + '|^<[a-zA-Z][\\\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\\\s*/?>' // open tag\n + '|^<\\\\?[\\\\s\\\\S]*?\\\\?>' // processing instruction, e.g. \n + '|^' // declaration, e.g. \n + '|^',\n // CDATA section\n link: /^!?\\[(label)\\]\\(\\s*(href)(?:\\s+(title))?\\s*\\)/,\n reflink: /^!?\\[(label)\\]\\[(?!\\s*\\])((?:\\\\[\\[\\]]?|[^\\[\\]\\\\])+)\\]/,\n nolink: /^!?\\[(?!\\s*\\])((?:\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\]|\\\\[\\[\\]]|[^\\[\\]])*)\\](?:\\[\\])?/,\n reflinkSearch: 'reflink|nolink(?!\\\\()',\n emStrong: {\n lDelim: /^(?:\\*+(?:([punct_])|[^\\s*]))|^_+(?:([punct*])|([^\\s_]))/,\n // (1) and (2) can only be a Right Delimiter. (3) and (4) can only be Left. (5) and (6) can be either Left or Right.\n // () Skip other delimiter (1) #*** (2) a***#, a*** (3) #***a, ***a (4) ***# (5) #***# (6) a***a\n rDelimAst: /\\_\\_[^_*]*?\\*[^_*]*?\\_\\_|[punct_](\\*+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct*_\\s](\\*+)(?=[punct_\\s]|$)|[punct_\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct*_\\s])|[\\s](\\*+)(?=[punct_])|[punct_](\\*+)(?=[punct_])|[^punct*_\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct*_\\s])/,\n rDelimUnd: /\\*\\*[^_*]*?\\_[^_*]*?\\*\\*|[punct*](\\_+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct*_\\s](\\_+)(?=[punct*\\s]|$)|[punct*\\s](\\_+)(?=[^punct*_\\s])|[\\s](\\_+)(?=[punct*])|[punct*](\\_+)(?=[punct*])/ // ^- Not allowed for _\n\n },\n code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\\s\\S]*?[^`])\\1(?!`)/,\n br: /^( {2,}|\\\\)\\n(?!\\s*$)/,\n del: noopTest,\n text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\\n)|[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?=[\\\\?@\\\\[\\\\]`^{|}~';\n inline$1.punctuation = edit(inline$1.punctuation).replace(/punctuation/g, inline$1._punctuation).getRegex(); // sequences em should skip over [title](link), `code`, \n\n inline$1.blockSkip = /\\[[^\\]]*?\\]\\([^\\)]*?\\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^>]*?>/g;\n inline$1.escapedEmSt = /\\\\\\*|\\\\_/g;\n inline$1._comment = edit(block$1._comment).replace('(?:-->|$)', '-->').getRegex();\n inline$1.emStrong.lDelim = edit(inline$1.emStrong.lDelim).replace(/punct/g, inline$1._punctuation).getRegex();\n inline$1.emStrong.rDelimAst = edit(inline$1.emStrong.rDelimAst, 'g').replace(/punct/g, inline$1._punctuation).getRegex();\n inline$1.emStrong.rDelimUnd = edit(inline$1.emStrong.rDelimUnd, 'g').replace(/punct/g, inline$1._punctuation).getRegex();\n inline$1._escapes = /\\\\([!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@\\[\\]\\\\^_`{|}~])/g;\n inline$1._scheme = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/;\n inline$1._email = /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/;\n inline$1.autolink = edit(inline$1.autolink).replace('scheme', inline$1._scheme).replace('email', inline$1._email).getRegex();\n inline$1._attribute = /\\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\\w.:-]*(?:\\s*=\\s*\"[^\"]*\"|\\s*=\\s*'[^']*'|\\s*=\\s*[^\\s\"'=<>`]+)?/;\n inline$1.tag = edit(inline$1.tag).replace('comment', inline$1._comment).replace('attribute', inline$1._attribute).getRegex();\n inline$1._label = /(?:\\[(?:\\\\.|[^\\[\\]\\\\])*\\]|\\\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\\[\\]\\\\`])*?/;\n inline$1._href = /<(?:\\\\.|[^\\n<>\\\\])+>|[^\\s\\x00-\\x1f]*/;\n inline$1._title = /\"(?:\\\\\"?|[^\"\\\\])*\"|'(?:\\\\'?|[^'\\\\])*'|\\((?:\\\\\\)?|[^)\\\\])*\\)/;\n inline$1.link = edit(inline$1.link).replace('label', inline$1._label).replace('href', inline$1._href).replace('title', inline$1._title).getRegex();\n inline$1.reflink = edit(inline$1.reflink).replace('label', inline$1._label).getRegex();\n inline$1.reflinkSearch = edit(inline$1.reflinkSearch, 'g').replace('reflink', inline$1.reflink).replace('nolink', inline$1.nolink).getRegex();\n /**\n * Normal Inline Grammar\n */\n\n inline$1.normal = merge$1({}, inline$1);\n /**\n * Pedantic Inline Grammar\n */\n\n inline$1.pedantic = merge$1({}, inline$1.normal, {\n strong: {\n start: /^__|\\*\\*/,\n middle: /^__(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)__(?!_)|^\\*\\*(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)\\*\\*(?!\\*)/,\n endAst: /\\*\\*(?!\\*)/g,\n endUnd: /__(?!_)/g\n },\n em: {\n start: /^_|\\*/,\n middle: /^()\\*(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)\\*(?!\\*)|^_(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)_(?!_)/,\n endAst: /\\*(?!\\*)/g,\n endUnd: /_(?!_)/g\n },\n link: edit(/^!?\\[(label)\\]\\((.*?)\\)/).replace('label', inline$1._label).getRegex(),\n reflink: edit(/^!?\\[(label)\\]\\s*\\[([^\\]]*)\\]/).replace('label', inline$1._label).getRegex()\n });\n /**\n * GFM Inline Grammar\n */\n\n inline$1.gfm = merge$1({}, inline$1.normal, {\n escape: edit(inline$1.escape).replace('])', '~|])').getRegex(),\n _extended_email: /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/,\n url: /^((?:ftp|https?):\\/\\/|www\\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.?)+[^\\s<]*|^email/,\n _backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_~()&]+|\\([^)]*\\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_~)]+(?!$))+/,\n del: /^(~~?)(?=[^\\s~])([\\s\\S]*?[^\\s~])\\1(?=[^~]|$)/,\n text: /^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\\/=?_`{\\|}~-]+@)|[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?=[\\\\ 0.5) {\n ch = 'x' + ch.toString(16);\n }\n\n out += '' + ch + ';';\n }\n\n return out;\n }\n /**\n * Block Lexer\n */\n\n\n var Lexer_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Lexer(options) {\n this.tokens = [];\n this.tokens.links = Object.create(null);\n this.options = options || defaults$3;\n this.options.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer || new Tokenizer$1();\n this.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer;\n this.tokenizer.options = this.options;\n var rules = {\n block: block.normal,\n inline: inline.normal\n };\n\n if (this.options.pedantic) {\n rules.block = block.pedantic;\n rules.inline = inline.pedantic;\n } else if (this.options.gfm) {\n rules.block = block.gfm;\n\n if (this.options.breaks) {\n rules.inline = inline.breaks;\n } else {\n rules.inline = inline.gfm;\n }\n }\n\n this.tokenizer.rules = rules;\n }\n /**\n * Expose Rules\n */\n\n\n /**\n * Static Lex Method\n */\n Lexer.lex = function lex(src, options) {\n var lexer = new Lexer(options);\n return lexer.lex(src);\n }\n /**\n * Static Lex Inline Method\n */\n ;\n\n Lexer.lexInline = function lexInline(src, options) {\n var lexer = new Lexer(options);\n return lexer.inlineTokens(src);\n }\n /**\n * Preprocessing\n */\n ;\n\n var _proto = Lexer.prototype;\n\n _proto.lex = function lex(src) {\n src = src.replace(/\\r\\n|\\r/g, '\\n').replace(/\\t/g, ' ');\n this.blockTokens(src, this.tokens, true);\n this.inline(this.tokens);\n return this.tokens;\n }\n /**\n * Lexing\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.blockTokens = function blockTokens(src, tokens, top) {\n if (tokens === void 0) {\n tokens = [];\n }\n\n if (top === void 0) {\n top = true;\n }\n\n if (this.options.pedantic) {\n src = src.replace(/^ +$/gm, '');\n }\n\n var token, i, l, lastToken;\n\n while (src) {\n // newline\n if (token = this.tokenizer.space(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n\n if (token.type) {\n tokens.push(token);\n }\n\n continue;\n } // code\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.code(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; // An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph.\n\n if (lastToken && lastToken.type === 'paragraph') {\n lastToken.raw += '\\n' + token.raw;\n lastToken.text += '\\n' + token.text;\n } else {\n tokens.push(token);\n }\n\n continue;\n } // fences\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.fences(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // heading\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.heading(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // table no leading pipe (gfm)\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.nptable(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // hr\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.hr(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // blockquote\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.blockquote(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n token.tokens = this.blockTokens(token.text, [], top);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // list\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.list(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n l = token.items.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n token.items[i].tokens = this.blockTokens(token.items[i].text, [], false);\n }\n\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // html\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.html(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // def\n\n\n if (top && (token = this.tokenizer.def(src))) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n\n if (!this.tokens.links[token.tag]) {\n this.tokens.links[token.tag] = {\n href: token.href,\n title: token.title\n };\n }\n\n continue;\n } // table (gfm)\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.table(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // lheading\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.lheading(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // top-level paragraph\n\n\n if (top && (token = this.tokenizer.paragraph(src))) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // text\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.text(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];\n\n if (lastToken && lastToken.type === 'text') {\n lastToken.raw += '\\n' + token.raw;\n lastToken.text += '\\n' + token.text;\n } else {\n tokens.push(token);\n }\n\n continue;\n }\n\n if (src) {\n var errMsg = 'Infinite loop on byte: ' + src.charCodeAt(0);\n\n if (this.options.silent) {\n console.error(errMsg);\n break;\n } else {\n throw new Error(errMsg);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return tokens;\n };\n\n _proto.inline = function inline(tokens) {\n var i, j, k, l2, row, token;\n var l = tokens.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n token = tokens[i];\n\n switch (token.type) {\n case 'paragraph':\n case 'text':\n case 'heading':\n {\n token.tokens = [];\n this.inlineTokens(token.text, token.tokens);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'table':\n {\n token.tokens = {\n header: [],\n cells: []\n }; // header\n\n l2 = token.header.length;\n\n for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {\n token.tokens.header[j] = [];\n this.inlineTokens(token.header[j], token.tokens.header[j]);\n } // cells\n\n\n l2 = token.cells.length;\n\n for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {\n row = token.cells[j];\n token.tokens.cells[j] = [];\n\n for (k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {\n token.tokens.cells[j][k] = [];\n this.inlineTokens(row[k], token.tokens.cells[j][k]);\n }\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case 'blockquote':\n {\n this.inline(token.tokens);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'list':\n {\n l2 = token.items.length;\n\n for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {\n this.inline(token.items[j].tokens);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return tokens;\n }\n /**\n * Lexing/Compiling\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.inlineTokens = function inlineTokens(src, tokens, inLink, inRawBlock) {\n if (tokens === void 0) {\n tokens = [];\n }\n\n if (inLink === void 0) {\n inLink = false;\n }\n\n if (inRawBlock === void 0) {\n inRawBlock = false;\n }\n\n var token, lastToken; // String with links masked to avoid interference with em and strong\n\n var maskedSrc = src;\n var match;\n var keepPrevChar, prevChar; // Mask out reflinks\n\n if (this.tokens.links) {\n var links = Object.keys(this.tokens.links);\n\n if (links.length > 0) {\n while ((match = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {\n if (links.includes(match[0].slice(match[0].lastIndexOf('[') + 1, -1))) {\n maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(0, match.index) + '[' + repeatString('a', match[0].length - 2) + ']' + maskedSrc.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex);\n }\n }\n }\n } // Mask out other blocks\n\n\n while ((match = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {\n maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(0, match.index) + '[' + repeatString('a', match[0].length - 2) + ']' + maskedSrc.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);\n } // Mask out escaped em & strong delimiters\n\n\n while ((match = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {\n maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(0, match.index) + '++' + maskedSrc.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.lastIndex);\n }\n\n while (src) {\n if (!keepPrevChar) {\n prevChar = '';\n }\n\n keepPrevChar = false; // escape\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.escape(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // tag\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.tag(src, inLink, inRawBlock)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n inLink = token.inLink;\n inRawBlock = token.inRawBlock;\n var _lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];\n\n if (_lastToken && token.type === 'text' && _lastToken.type === 'text') {\n _lastToken.raw += token.raw;\n _lastToken.text += token.text;\n } else {\n tokens.push(token);\n }\n\n continue;\n } // link\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.link(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n\n if (token.type === 'link') {\n token.tokens = this.inlineTokens(token.text, [], true, inRawBlock);\n }\n\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // reflink, nolink\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.reflink(src, this.tokens.links)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n var _lastToken2 = tokens[tokens.length - 1];\n\n if (token.type === 'link') {\n token.tokens = this.inlineTokens(token.text, [], true, inRawBlock);\n tokens.push(token);\n } else if (_lastToken2 && token.type === 'text' && _lastToken2.type === 'text') {\n _lastToken2.raw += token.raw;\n _lastToken2.text += token.text;\n } else {\n tokens.push(token);\n }\n\n continue;\n } // em & strong\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.emStrong(src, maskedSrc, prevChar)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n token.tokens = this.inlineTokens(token.text, [], inLink, inRawBlock);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // code\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.codespan(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // br\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.br(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // del (gfm)\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.del(src)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n token.tokens = this.inlineTokens(token.text, [], inLink, inRawBlock);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // autolink\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.autolink(src, mangle)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // url (gfm)\n\n\n if (!inLink && (token = this.tokenizer.url(src, mangle))) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n tokens.push(token);\n continue;\n } // text\n\n\n if (token = this.tokenizer.inlineText(src, inRawBlock, smartypants)) {\n src = src.substring(token.raw.length);\n\n if (token.raw.slice(-1) !== '_') {\n // Track prevChar before string of ____ started\n prevChar = token.raw.slice(-1);\n }\n\n keepPrevChar = true;\n lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];\n\n if (lastToken && lastToken.type === 'text') {\n lastToken.raw += token.raw;\n lastToken.text += token.text;\n } else {\n tokens.push(token);\n }\n\n continue;\n }\n\n if (src) {\n var errMsg = 'Infinite loop on byte: ' + src.charCodeAt(0);\n\n if (this.options.silent) {\n console.error(errMsg);\n break;\n } else {\n throw new Error(errMsg);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return tokens;\n };\n\n _createClass(Lexer, null, [{\n key: \"rules\",\n get: function get() {\n return {\n block: block,\n inline: inline\n };\n }\n }]);\n\n return Lexer;\n }();\n\n var defaults$2 = defaults$5.exports.defaults;\n var cleanUrl = helpers.cleanUrl,\n escape$1 = helpers.escape;\n /**\n * Renderer\n */\n\n var Renderer_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Renderer(options) {\n this.options = options || defaults$2;\n }\n\n var _proto = Renderer.prototype;\n\n _proto.code = function code(_code, infostring, escaped) {\n var lang = (infostring || '').match(/\\S*/)[0];\n\n if (this.options.highlight) {\n var out = this.options.highlight(_code, lang);\n\n if (out != null && out !== _code) {\n escaped = true;\n _code = out;\n }\n }\n\n _code = _code.replace(/\\n$/, '') + '\\n';\n\n if (!lang) {\n return '' + (escaped ? _code : escape$1(_code, true)) + '
\\n';\n }\n\n return '' + (escaped ? _code : escape$1(_code, true)) + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.blockquote = function blockquote(quote) {\n return '\\n' + quote + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.html = function html(_html) {\n return _html;\n };\n\n _proto.heading = function heading(text, level, raw, slugger) {\n if (this.options.headerIds) {\n return '' + text + '\\n';\n } // ignore IDs\n\n\n return '' + text + '\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.hr = function hr() {\n return this.options.xhtml ? '
\\n' : '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.list = function list(body, ordered, start) {\n var type = ordered ? 'ol' : 'ul',\n startatt = ordered && start !== 1 ? ' start=\"' + start + '\"' : '';\n return '<' + type + startatt + '>\\n' + body + '' + type + '>\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.listitem = function listitem(text) {\n return '' + text + '\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.checkbox = function checkbox(checked) {\n return ' ';\n };\n\n _proto.paragraph = function paragraph(text) {\n return '' + text + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.table = function table(header, body) {\n if (body) body = '' + body + '';\n return '\\n' + '\\n' + header + '\\n' + body + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.tablerow = function tablerow(content) {\n return '\\n' + content + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.tablecell = function tablecell(content, flags) {\n var type = flags.header ? 'th' : 'td';\n var tag = flags.align ? '<' + type + ' align=\"' + flags.align + '\">' : '<' + type + '>';\n return tag + content + '' + type + '>\\n';\n } // span level renderer\n ;\n\n _proto.strong = function strong(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.em = function em(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.codespan = function codespan(text) {\n return '' + text + '
';\n };\n\n _proto.br = function br() {\n return this.options.xhtml ? '
' : '
';\n };\n\n _proto.del = function del(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.link = function link(href, title, text) {\n href = cleanUrl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);\n\n if (href === null) {\n return text;\n }\n\n var out = '' + text + '';\n return out;\n };\n\n _proto.image = function image(href, title, text) {\n href = cleanUrl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);\n\n if (href === null) {\n return text;\n }\n\n var out = '
' : '>';\n return out;\n };\n\n _proto.text = function text(_text) {\n return _text;\n };\n\n return Renderer;\n }();\n\n /**\n * TextRenderer\n * returns only the textual part of the token\n */\n\n var TextRenderer_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function TextRenderer() {}\n\n var _proto = TextRenderer.prototype;\n\n // no need for block level renderers\n _proto.strong = function strong(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.em = function em(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.codespan = function codespan(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.del = function del(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.html = function html(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.text = function text(_text) {\n return _text;\n };\n\n _proto.link = function link(href, title, text) {\n return '' + text;\n };\n\n _proto.image = function image(href, title, text) {\n return '' + text;\n };\n\n _proto.br = function br() {\n return '';\n };\n\n return TextRenderer;\n }();\n\n /**\n * Slugger generates header id\n */\n\n var Slugger_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Slugger() {\n this.seen = {};\n }\n\n var _proto = Slugger.prototype;\n\n _proto.serialize = function serialize(value) {\n return value.toLowerCase().trim() // remove html tags\n .replace(/<[!\\/a-z].*?>/ig, '') // remove unwanted chars\n .replace(/[\\u2000-\\u206F\\u2E00-\\u2E7F\\\\'!\"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~]/g, '').replace(/\\s/g, '-');\n }\n /**\n * Finds the next safe (unique) slug to use\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.getNextSafeSlug = function getNextSafeSlug(originalSlug, isDryRun) {\n var slug = originalSlug;\n var occurenceAccumulator = 0;\n\n if (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug)) {\n occurenceAccumulator = this.seen[originalSlug];\n\n do {\n occurenceAccumulator++;\n slug = originalSlug + '-' + occurenceAccumulator;\n } while (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug));\n }\n\n if (!isDryRun) {\n this.seen[originalSlug] = occurenceAccumulator;\n this.seen[slug] = 0;\n }\n\n return slug;\n }\n /**\n * Convert string to unique id\n * @param {object} options\n * @param {boolean} options.dryrun Generates the next unique slug without updating the internal accumulator.\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.slug = function slug(value, options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n var slug = this.serialize(value);\n return this.getNextSafeSlug(slug, options.dryrun);\n };\n\n return Slugger;\n }();\n\n var Renderer$1 = Renderer_1;\n var TextRenderer$1 = TextRenderer_1;\n var Slugger$1 = Slugger_1;\n var defaults$1 = defaults$5.exports.defaults;\n var unescape = helpers.unescape;\n /**\n * Parsing & Compiling\n */\n\n var Parser_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Parser(options) {\n this.options = options || defaults$1;\n this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Renderer$1();\n this.renderer = this.options.renderer;\n this.renderer.options = this.options;\n this.textRenderer = new TextRenderer$1();\n this.slugger = new Slugger$1();\n }\n /**\n * Static Parse Method\n */\n\n\n Parser.parse = function parse(tokens, options) {\n var parser = new Parser(options);\n return parser.parse(tokens);\n }\n /**\n * Static Parse Inline Method\n */\n ;\n\n Parser.parseInline = function parseInline(tokens, options) {\n var parser = new Parser(options);\n return parser.parseInline(tokens);\n }\n /**\n * Parse Loop\n */\n ;\n\n var _proto = Parser.prototype;\n\n _proto.parse = function parse(tokens, top) {\n if (top === void 0) {\n top = true;\n }\n\n var out = '',\n i,\n j,\n k,\n l2,\n l3,\n row,\n cell,\n header,\n body,\n token,\n ordered,\n start,\n loose,\n itemBody,\n item,\n checked,\n task,\n checkbox;\n var l = tokens.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n token = tokens[i];\n\n switch (token.type) {\n case 'space':\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'hr':\n {\n out += this.renderer.hr();\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'heading':\n {\n out += this.renderer.heading(this.parseInline(token.tokens), token.depth, unescape(this.parseInline(token.tokens, this.textRenderer)), this.slugger);\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'code':\n {\n out += this.renderer.code(token.text, token.lang, token.escaped);\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'table':\n {\n header = ''; // header\n\n cell = '';\n l2 = token.header.length;\n\n for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {\n cell += this.renderer.tablecell(this.parseInline(token.tokens.header[j]), {\n header: true,\n align: token.align[j]\n });\n }\n\n header += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);\n body = '';\n l2 = token.cells.length;\n\n for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {\n row = token.tokens.cells[j];\n cell = '';\n l3 = row.length;\n\n for (k = 0; k < l3; k++) {\n cell += this.renderer.tablecell(this.parseInline(row[k]), {\n header: false,\n align: token.align[k]\n });\n }\n\n body += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);\n }\n\n out += this.renderer.table(header, body);\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'blockquote':\n {\n body = this.parse(token.tokens);\n out += this.renderer.blockquote(body);\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'list':\n {\n ordered = token.ordered;\n start = token.start;\n loose = token.loose;\n l2 = token.items.length;\n body = '';\n\n for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {\n item = token.items[j];\n checked = item.checked;\n task = item.task;\n itemBody = '';\n\n if (item.task) {\n checkbox = this.renderer.checkbox(checked);\n\n if (loose) {\n if (item.tokens.length > 0 && item.tokens[0].type === 'text') {\n item.tokens[0].text = checkbox + ' ' + item.tokens[0].text;\n\n if (item.tokens[0].tokens && item.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && item.tokens[0].tokens[0].type === 'text') {\n item.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = checkbox + ' ' + item.tokens[0].tokens[0].text;\n }\n } else {\n item.tokens.unshift({\n type: 'text',\n text: checkbox\n });\n }\n } else {\n itemBody += checkbox;\n }\n }\n\n itemBody += this.parse(item.tokens, loose);\n body += this.renderer.listitem(itemBody, task, checked);\n }\n\n out += this.renderer.list(body, ordered, start);\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'html':\n {\n // TODO parse inline content if parameter markdown=1\n out += this.renderer.html(token.text);\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'paragraph':\n {\n out += this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseInline(token.tokens));\n continue;\n }\n\n case 'text':\n {\n body = token.tokens ? this.parseInline(token.tokens) : token.text;\n\n while (i + 1 < l && tokens[i + 1].type === 'text') {\n token = tokens[++i];\n body += '\\n' + (token.tokens ? this.parseInline(token.tokens) : token.text);\n }\n\n out += top ? this.renderer.paragraph(body) : body;\n continue;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n var errMsg = 'Token with \"' + token.type + '\" type was not found.';\n\n if (this.options.silent) {\n console.error(errMsg);\n return;\n } else {\n throw new Error(errMsg);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return out;\n }\n /**\n * Parse Inline Tokens\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.parseInline = function parseInline(tokens, renderer) {\n renderer = renderer || this.renderer;\n var out = '',\n i,\n token;\n var l = tokens.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n token = tokens[i];\n\n switch (token.type) {\n case 'escape':\n {\n out += renderer.text(token.text);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'html':\n {\n out += renderer.html(token.text);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'link':\n {\n out += renderer.link(token.href, token.title, this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));\n break;\n }\n\n case 'image':\n {\n out += renderer.image(token.href, token.title, token.text);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'strong':\n {\n out += renderer.strong(this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));\n break;\n }\n\n case 'em':\n {\n out += renderer.em(this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));\n break;\n }\n\n case 'codespan':\n {\n out += renderer.codespan(token.text);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'br':\n {\n out += renderer.br();\n break;\n }\n\n case 'del':\n {\n out += renderer.del(this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));\n break;\n }\n\n case 'text':\n {\n out += renderer.text(token.text);\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n var errMsg = 'Token with \"' + token.type + '\" type was not found.';\n\n if (this.options.silent) {\n console.error(errMsg);\n return;\n } else {\n throw new Error(errMsg);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return out;\n };\n\n return Parser;\n }();\n\n var Lexer = Lexer_1;\n var Parser = Parser_1;\n var Tokenizer = Tokenizer_1;\n var Renderer = Renderer_1;\n var TextRenderer = TextRenderer_1;\n var Slugger = Slugger_1;\n var merge = helpers.merge,\n checkSanitizeDeprecation = helpers.checkSanitizeDeprecation,\n escape = helpers.escape;\n var getDefaults = defaults$5.exports.getDefaults,\n changeDefaults = defaults$5.exports.changeDefaults,\n defaults = defaults$5.exports.defaults;\n /**\n * Marked\n */\n\n function marked(src, opt, callback) {\n // throw error in case of non string input\n if (typeof src === 'undefined' || src === null) {\n throw new Error('marked(): input parameter is undefined or null');\n }\n\n if (typeof src !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('marked(): input parameter is of type ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(src) + ', string expected');\n }\n\n if (typeof opt === 'function') {\n callback = opt;\n opt = null;\n }\n\n opt = merge({}, marked.defaults, opt || {});\n checkSanitizeDeprecation(opt);\n\n if (callback) {\n var highlight = opt.highlight;\n var tokens;\n\n try {\n tokens = Lexer.lex(src, opt);\n } catch (e) {\n return callback(e);\n }\n\n var done = function done(err) {\n var out;\n\n if (!err) {\n try {\n if (opt.walkTokens) {\n marked.walkTokens(tokens, opt.walkTokens);\n }\n\n out = Parser.parse(tokens, opt);\n } catch (e) {\n err = e;\n }\n }\n\n opt.highlight = highlight;\n return err ? callback(err) : callback(null, out);\n };\n\n if (!highlight || highlight.length < 3) {\n return done();\n }\n\n delete opt.highlight;\n if (!tokens.length) return done();\n var pending = 0;\n marked.walkTokens(tokens, function (token) {\n if (token.type === 'code') {\n pending++;\n setTimeout(function () {\n highlight(token.text, token.lang, function (err, code) {\n if (err) {\n return done(err);\n }\n\n if (code != null && code !== token.text) {\n token.text = code;\n token.escaped = true;\n }\n\n pending--;\n\n if (pending === 0) {\n done();\n }\n });\n }, 0);\n }\n });\n\n if (pending === 0) {\n done();\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n try {\n var _tokens = Lexer.lex(src, opt);\n\n if (opt.walkTokens) {\n marked.walkTokens(_tokens, opt.walkTokens);\n }\n\n return Parser.parse(_tokens, opt);\n } catch (e) {\n e.message += '\\nPlease report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.';\n\n if (opt.silent) {\n return 'An error occurred:
' + escape(e.message + '', true) + '
';\n }\n\n throw e;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Options\n */\n\n\n marked.options = marked.setOptions = function (opt) {\n merge(marked.defaults, opt);\n changeDefaults(marked.defaults);\n return marked;\n };\n\n marked.getDefaults = getDefaults;\n marked.defaults = defaults;\n /**\n * Use Extension\n */\n\n marked.use = function (extension) {\n var opts = merge({}, extension);\n\n if (extension.renderer) {\n (function () {\n var renderer = marked.defaults.renderer || new Renderer();\n\n var _loop = function _loop(prop) {\n var prevRenderer = renderer[prop];\n\n renderer[prop] = function () {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var ret = extension.renderer[prop].apply(renderer, args);\n\n if (ret === false) {\n ret = prevRenderer.apply(renderer, args);\n }\n\n return ret;\n };\n };\n\n for (var prop in extension.renderer) {\n _loop(prop);\n }\n\n opts.renderer = renderer;\n })();\n }\n\n if (extension.tokenizer) {\n (function () {\n var tokenizer = marked.defaults.tokenizer || new Tokenizer();\n\n var _loop2 = function _loop2(prop) {\n var prevTokenizer = tokenizer[prop];\n\n tokenizer[prop] = function () {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n var ret = extension.tokenizer[prop].apply(tokenizer, args);\n\n if (ret === false) {\n ret = prevTokenizer.apply(tokenizer, args);\n }\n\n return ret;\n };\n };\n\n for (var prop in extension.tokenizer) {\n _loop2(prop);\n }\n\n opts.tokenizer = tokenizer;\n })();\n }\n\n if (extension.walkTokens) {\n var walkTokens = marked.defaults.walkTokens;\n\n opts.walkTokens = function (token) {\n extension.walkTokens(token);\n\n if (walkTokens) {\n walkTokens(token);\n }\n };\n }\n\n marked.setOptions(opts);\n };\n /**\n * Run callback for every token\n */\n\n\n marked.walkTokens = function (tokens, callback) {\n for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(tokens), _step; !(_step = _iterator()).done;) {\n var token = _step.value;\n callback(token);\n\n switch (token.type) {\n case 'table':\n {\n for (var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(token.tokens.header), _step2; !(_step2 = _iterator2()).done;) {\n var cell = _step2.value;\n marked.walkTokens(cell, callback);\n }\n\n for (var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(token.tokens.cells), _step3; !(_step3 = _iterator3()).done;) {\n var row = _step3.value;\n\n for (var _iterator4 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(row), _step4; !(_step4 = _iterator4()).done;) {\n var _cell = _step4.value;\n marked.walkTokens(_cell, callback);\n }\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case 'list':\n {\n marked.walkTokens(token.items, callback);\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n if (token.tokens) {\n marked.walkTokens(token.tokens, callback);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n };\n /**\n * Parse Inline\n */\n\n\n marked.parseInline = function (src, opt) {\n // throw error in case of non string input\n if (typeof src === 'undefined' || src === null) {\n throw new Error('marked.parseInline(): input parameter is undefined or null');\n }\n\n if (typeof src !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('marked.parseInline(): input parameter is of type ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(src) + ', string expected');\n }\n\n opt = merge({}, marked.defaults, opt || {});\n checkSanitizeDeprecation(opt);\n\n try {\n var tokens = Lexer.lexInline(src, opt);\n\n if (opt.walkTokens) {\n marked.walkTokens(tokens, opt.walkTokens);\n }\n\n return Parser.parseInline(tokens, opt);\n } catch (e) {\n e.message += '\\nPlease report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.';\n\n if (opt.silent) {\n return 'An error occurred:
' + escape(e.message + '', true) + '
';\n }\n\n throw e;\n }\n };\n /**\n * Expose\n */\n\n\n marked.Parser = Parser;\n marked.parser = Parser.parse;\n marked.Renderer = Renderer;\n marked.TextRenderer = TextRenderer;\n marked.Lexer = Lexer;\n marked.lexer = Lexer.lex;\n marked.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;\n marked.Slugger = Slugger;\n marked.parse = marked;\n var marked_1 = marked;\n\n return marked_1;\n\n})));\n","var getUint64 = require('../utils/numbers.js').getUint64;\n\nvar parseSidx = function(data) {\n var view = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength),\n result = {\n version: data[0],\n flags: new Uint8Array(data.subarray(1, 4)),\n references: [],\n referenceId: view.getUint32(4),\n timescale: view.getUint32(8)\n },\n i = 12;\n\n if (result.version === 0) {\n result.earliestPresentationTime = view.getUint32(i);\n result.firstOffset = view.getUint32(i + 4);\n i += 8;\n } else {\n // read 64 bits\n result.earliestPresentationTime = getUint64(data.subarray(i));\n result.firstOffset = getUint64(data.subarray(i + 8));\n i += 16;\n }\n\n i += 2; // reserved\n\n var referenceCount = view.getUint16(i);\n\n i += 2; // start of references\n\n for (; referenceCount > 0; i += 12, referenceCount--) {\n result.references.push({\n referenceType: (data[i] & 0x80) >>> 7,\n referencedSize: view.getUint32(i) & 0x7FFFFFFF,\n subsegmentDuration: view.getUint32(i + 4),\n startsWithSap: !!(data[i + 8] & 0x80),\n sapType: (data[i + 8] & 0x70) >>> 4,\n sapDeltaTime: view.getUint32(i + 8) & 0x0FFFFFFF\n });\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = parseSidx;\n","/**\n * mux.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Brightcove\n * Licensed Apache-2.0 https://github.com/videojs/mux.js/blob/master/LICENSE\n */\nvar\n ONE_SECOND_IN_TS = 90000, // 90kHz clock\n secondsToVideoTs,\n secondsToAudioTs,\n videoTsToSeconds,\n audioTsToSeconds,\n audioTsToVideoTs,\n videoTsToAudioTs,\n metadataTsToSeconds;\n\nsecondsToVideoTs = function(seconds) {\n return seconds * ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;\n};\n\nsecondsToAudioTs = function(seconds, sampleRate) {\n return seconds * sampleRate;\n};\n\nvideoTsToSeconds = function(timestamp) {\n return timestamp / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;\n};\n\naudioTsToSeconds = function(timestamp, sampleRate) {\n return timestamp / sampleRate;\n};\n\naudioTsToVideoTs = function(timestamp, sampleRate) {\n return secondsToVideoTs(audioTsToSeconds(timestamp, sampleRate));\n};\n\nvideoTsToAudioTs = function(timestamp, sampleRate) {\n return secondsToAudioTs(videoTsToSeconds(timestamp), sampleRate);\n};\n\n/**\n * Adjust ID3 tag or caption timing information by the timeline pts values\n * (if keepOriginalTimestamps is false) and convert to seconds\n */\nmetadataTsToSeconds = function(timestamp, timelineStartPts, keepOriginalTimestamps) {\n return videoTsToSeconds(keepOriginalTimestamps ? timestamp : timestamp - timelineStartPts);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n ONE_SECOND_IN_TS: ONE_SECOND_IN_TS,\n secondsToVideoTs: secondsToVideoTs,\n secondsToAudioTs: secondsToAudioTs,\n videoTsToSeconds: videoTsToSeconds,\n audioTsToSeconds: audioTsToSeconds,\n audioTsToVideoTs: audioTsToVideoTs,\n videoTsToAudioTs: videoTsToAudioTs,\n metadataTsToSeconds: metadataTsToSeconds\n};\n","var MAX_UINT32 = Math.pow(2, 32);\n\nvar getUint64 = function(uint8) {\n var dv = new DataView(uint8.buffer, uint8.byteOffset, uint8.byteLength);\n var value;\n\n if (dv.getBigUint64) {\n value = dv.getBigUint64(0);\n\n if (value < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n return Number(value);\n }\n\n return value;\n }\n\n return (dv.getUint32(0) * MAX_UINT32) + dv.getUint32(4);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getUint64: getUint64,\n MAX_UINT32: MAX_UINT32\n};\n","module.exports = SafeParseTuple\n\nfunction SafeParseTuple(obj, reviver) {\n var json\n var error = null\n\n try {\n json = JSON.parse(obj, reviver)\n } catch (err) {\n error = err\n }\n\n return [error, json]\n}\n","import api from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import content from \"!!../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./video-js.min.css\";\n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.insert = \"head\";\noptions.singleton = false;\n\nvar update = api(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport default content.locals || {};","import api from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import content from \"!!../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./videojs-xr.css\";\n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.insert = \"head\";\noptions.singleton = false;\n\nvar update = api(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport default content.locals || {};","\"use strict\";\n\nvar isOldIE = function isOldIE() {\n var memo;\n return function memorize() {\n if (typeof memo === 'undefined') {\n // Test for IE <= 9 as proposed by Browserhacks\n // @see http://browserhacks.com/#hack-e71d8692f65334173fee715c222cb805\n // Tests for existence of standard globals is to allow style-loader\n // to operate correctly into non-standard environments\n // @see https://github.com/webpack-contrib/style-loader/issues/177\n memo = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob);\n }\n\n return memo;\n };\n}();\n\nvar getTarget = function getTarget() {\n var memo = {};\n return function memorize(target) {\n if (typeof memo[target] === 'undefined') {\n var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target); // Special case to return head of iframe instead of iframe itself\n\n if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) {\n try {\n // This will throw an exception if access to iframe is blocked\n // due to cross-origin restrictions\n styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;\n } catch (e) {\n // istanbul ignore next\n styleTarget = null;\n }\n }\n\n memo[target] = styleTarget;\n }\n\n return memo[target];\n };\n}();\n\nvar stylesInDom = [];\n\nfunction getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) {\n var result = -1;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < stylesInDom.length; i++) {\n if (stylesInDom[i].identifier === identifier) {\n result = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction modulesToDom(list, options) {\n var idCountMap = {};\n var identifiers = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var item = list[i];\n var id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0];\n var count = idCountMap[id] || 0;\n var identifier = \"\".concat(id, \" \").concat(count);\n idCountMap[id] = count + 1;\n var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);\n var obj = {\n css: item[1],\n media: item[2],\n sourceMap: item[3]\n };\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n stylesInDom[index].references++;\n stylesInDom[index].updater(obj);\n } else {\n stylesInDom.push({\n identifier: identifier,\n updater: addStyle(obj, options),\n references: 1\n });\n }\n\n identifiers.push(identifier);\n }\n\n return identifiers;\n}\n\nfunction insertStyleElement(options) {\n var style = document.createElement('style');\n var attributes = options.attributes || {};\n\n if (typeof attributes.nonce === 'undefined') {\n var nonce = typeof __webpack_nonce__ !== 'undefined' ? __webpack_nonce__ : null;\n\n if (nonce) {\n attributes.nonce = nonce;\n }\n }\n\n Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (key) {\n style.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);\n });\n\n if (typeof options.insert === 'function') {\n options.insert(style);\n } else {\n var target = getTarget(options.insert || 'head');\n\n if (!target) {\n throw new Error(\"Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.\");\n }\n\n target.appendChild(style);\n }\n\n return style;\n}\n\nfunction removeStyleElement(style) {\n // istanbul ignore if\n if (style.parentNode === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n style.parentNode.removeChild(style);\n}\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\nvar replaceText = function replaceText() {\n var textStore = [];\n return function replace(index, replacement) {\n textStore[index] = replacement;\n return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\\n');\n };\n}();\n\nfunction applyToSingletonTag(style, index, remove, obj) {\n var css = remove ? '' : obj.media ? \"@media \".concat(obj.media, \" {\").concat(obj.css, \"}\") : obj.css; // For old IE\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n if (style.styleSheet) {\n style.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css);\n } else {\n var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css);\n var childNodes = style.childNodes;\n\n if (childNodes[index]) {\n style.removeChild(childNodes[index]);\n }\n\n if (childNodes.length) {\n style.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]);\n } else {\n style.appendChild(cssNode);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction applyToTag(style, options, obj) {\n var css = obj.css;\n var media = obj.media;\n var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap;\n\n if (media) {\n style.setAttribute('media', media);\n } else {\n style.removeAttribute('media');\n }\n\n if (sourceMap && typeof btoa !== 'undefined') {\n css += \"\\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,\".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), \" */\");\n } // For old IE\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n\n if (style.styleSheet) {\n style.styleSheet.cssText = css;\n } else {\n while (style.firstChild) {\n style.removeChild(style.firstChild);\n }\n\n style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));\n }\n}\n\nvar singleton = null;\nvar singletonCounter = 0;\n\nfunction addStyle(obj, options) {\n var style;\n var update;\n var remove;\n\n if (options.singleton) {\n var styleIndex = singletonCounter++;\n style = singleton || (singleton = insertStyleElement(options));\n update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, false);\n remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, true);\n } else {\n style = insertStyleElement(options);\n update = applyToTag.bind(null, style, options);\n\n remove = function remove() {\n removeStyleElement(style);\n };\n }\n\n update(obj);\n return function updateStyle(newObj) {\n if (newObj) {\n if (newObj.css === obj.css && newObj.media === obj.media && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) {\n return;\n }\n\n update(obj = newObj);\n } else {\n remove();\n }\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = function (list, options) {\n options = options || {}; // Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of